The RWCC is currently looking for a Music Director and Organist. If you are interested, please email
The music program at RWCC is staffed by a pianist and an organist. We have a choir that is made up of volunteers with the only criteria being able to smile and enjoy one another. Choir rehearsals are held on Tuesdays from 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. and we do a wide variety of music. One week it may be a toe tappin’ gospel number and the next week it may be a heart wrenching plea to Christ. The choir sings about twice a month for the church services. Many of our choir members do not read music but we all learn together and once you are in the choir, you have joined a fabulous new family that supports and loves another. We are firmly undergirded with prayer and give God all the credit for any success.
RWCC honors our veterans with special worship services on Memorial Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day. The music is always a significant part of those occasions
Our pastor is one of our veterans as well as several of the choir members and many members of our congregation. We applaud and honor them for their service and do not take for granted the sacrifices made on our behalf.